
Population Data BC (PopData) operates within a governance and management framework, which includes the following:

  • The Advisory Board convenes five times a year (and as needed) and plays a critical role in guiding PopData and its operations on core issues, such as strategy, policy, funding, and security. The Advisory Board is comprised of leaders in the research field and has representation from multiple institutions.
  • The Data Stewards Working Group includes Data Stewards from each organisation whose Data PopData administers or is soon to administer. Its objectives are to advise and support PopData and to ensure that the policy and process framework for access to Data meets their privacy and security expectations. 
  • The Researcher Advisory Committee represents and communicates the diverse needs and viewpoints of the research community in relation to data-driven research supported by PopData. Input from researchers informs strategic decisions about acquisition of new data sources; provision of new technical, training, or other supports; and design of other engagement activities.
  • PopData's Scientific Director provides overall leadership, board engagement, and a focus on external relations and strategy development. The Scientific Director has delegated accountability and responsibility for PopData's functions and is responsible to the  Advisory Board.
  • PopData's Managing Director and unit Leads are involved in the day-to-day management of PopData.
  • Additionally, PopData (UBC) is accountable to both Data Stewards and the public through signed data sharing agreements.

For a visual representation of our organisation, please view our Organisational Chart.