This webinar-based training series takes place over four sessions:
Session 1 - Tuesday July 14 | Session 2 - Thursday July 16
Session 3 - Tuesday July 21 | Session 4 – Thursday July 23
Prior required knowledge
Familiarity with R is an asset though not mandatory for enrolment.
Webinar content
This webinar-based course will provide you with an introduction to Data Management and Cleaning for Analysis using R Software. Each of the four module includes a slide deck, training data, R code and associated exercises for practice.
Topics covered include:
- Introduction to Administrative Data
- Introduction of data cleaning and management
- Tidyverse packages to clean data
- Creating analysis workbooks in RMarkdown
- Subsetting variables and data cleaning
- Advanced filtering, selection, reshaping, functions and REGEX
Webinar format
The interactive webinar software will provide remote access for students to view the instructor's screen, listen to the lecture in real time, and ask questions. The instructor will provide lecture slides (PowerPoint) and required readings prior to the start of the webinar. For practice between webinar sessions and for follow up study, students will also receive training data and programming code for R.
Students can download the R software package for use on their computers through these sites:
Course fees
Regular rate: $260
Student rate: $160
Lead facilitator
Lauren Yee is multifaceted researcher and data scientist. She currently works in the consulting industry and designs projects around data visualization, dashboards and ecological and spatial analysis. Her interdisciplinary background has provided her with the experience of working with many different types of datasets, methodologies and their related data quality issues and methods of visualization. She has taught workshops on GIS and modelling in academic settings and in the municipal environment. Her research interests include: spatial epidemiology, Ecohealth approach, determinants of health, white nose syndrome and zoonoses.