Data access request management

The data access process is complex and requires meticulous attention to detail to ensure that all legal, privacy and security conditions are met and upheld. Population Data BC saves time and resources for data providers by providing:

  • A central intake point for applications.
  • A streamlined and transparent application process. 
  • Coordination of the entire process through our Data Access Unit (DAU).

The Data Access Unit 

The DAU is the hub of all communication with researchers. Specialist staff oversee the stages of the data access process from initial inquiries and application planning and submission, through to data delivery and project closure. 

DAU activities include:

  • Providing information and advice to support applicants preparing Data Access Requests (DARs).
  • Reviewing applications to ensure that all required documentation and information is included.
  • Forwarding DARs to the relevant data provider(s) for full review and approval.
  • Confirming research team composition and ensuring all have completed confidentiality undertakings, including privacy training.

The Data Access Process


Secure data handling & storage

Secure data handling

Data Access Request (DAR) Management

a hand moving cogs

Data linkage (Trusted Third Party)

maps, pictures of people, graphs on black background

Online tracking & reporting

A woman looking at a chart on a computer screen