Intro to Multistate Modeling Approaches for Analyzing Population-wide Health Administrative Data

1:00 pm to 2:30 pm EST | The session will be delivered live and online via the Gotowebinar system.

This webinar is part of the Advanced Methods Webinar Series

Multistate models offer a convenient framework for examining disease progression over time. This webinar will focus on learning multistate modeling approaches in the context of population-wide health administrative data, with specific examples using cancer screening and symptom screening data among individuals residing in Ontario, Canada.

The webinar will:

  • Describe the fundamental concepts required for building multistate models
  • Describe how multistate models are related to survival models, recurrent event models, and competing risks models
  • Discuss challenges that may arise when implementing multistate models using administrative data
  • Demonstrate and interpret a multistate model analysis under complete observation using breast cancer screening data among women in Ontario
  • Demonstrate and interpret a multistate model analysis under panel observation using symptom screening data among patients with cancer in Ontario


Dr. Rinku SutradharDr. Rinku Sutradhar is an Associate Professor in the Division of Biostatistics at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. She is a Senior Scientist and lead of the Cancer Research Program at ICES. Dr. Sutradhar's research focuses on the development of statistical methodologies for analyzing longitudinal data, and their implementation in examining health services utilization over time among cancer patients and cancer survivors in Ontario, Canada.

Related resource readings:

View recorded presentation below.

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