Services for Data Providers

Making data available for research can be a daunting prospect for organizations and individual researchers alike. There are legal and ethical considerations, data management and data access issues, and safety and security risks.

So, why make your data available for research?

  • Because linking your data has the potential to positively affect public policy and the health and well-being of communities
  • To raise your profile as an organzation or researcher
  • So the value of your data is recognised through citation in publications
  • Because data sharing connects you and your organization with researchers and policy makers
  • Partnerships between researchers and data providers can shape the direction of future data collection

At PopData we recognise that balancing the benefits of research in the public interest, with the privacy rights of the individual, is critical for any public or private body which collects data and makes those data available for research.

We have a comprehensive and flexible package of services to help data providers to achieve that balance.

> download Services for Data Providers flyer


Secure data handling & storage

Secure data handling

Data Access Request (DAR) Management

a hand moving cogs

Data linkage (Trusted Third Party)

maps, pictures of people, graphs on black background

Online tracking & reporting

A woman looking at a chart on a computer screen