Structural Equation Modeling

9:00am to 4:00pm PST each day | University of British Columbia, Vancouver campus, School of Population and Public Health Bldg, Room B104

Two-day workshop  |  Thursday October 6th and Friday October 7th, 2016

This two-day intensive workshop will focus on the practical application of structural equation modeling with specific applications for health and social science researchers. Mornings will consist of a series of lectures and computer demonstrations covering the theory and practice of various structural equation modeling techniques. Afternoons will include hands-on applications of specific data analysis techniques.

Who should attend this workshop?

Graduate students, researchers and faculty in the health and social sciences as well as epidemiologists and healthcare professionals interested in developing and applying statistical modeling in their research and work.


  • Students are expected to have knowledge of simple and multiple linear regression models and categorical data analysis such as logistic regression models.
  • Prior knowledge and experience using Mplus software is beneficial but not a requirement for this workshop.

Workshop description

Learning objectives

In this beginner/intermediate level workshop participants will:

  • Learn basic concepts of path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling.
  • Gain hands on experience of working with real data using Mplus software.
  • Be introduced to advanced structural equation models.

Workshop outline

Day one

Morning session

  • Overview of path analysis and confirmatory factor analysis
  • Introduction to structural equation modeling: basic concepts, model development and testing, core techniques
  • Review of assumptions, data requirements and software

Afternoon session

  • Introduction of Mplus modeling framework
  • Application of Mplus to path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and basic structural equation models
  • Case study: assessment of determinants of risk taking behaviour

Day Two

Morning session

  • Overview of advanced structural equation models: interaction effects, latent means, multiple group analysis, mixture modeling, and complex survey data
  • Application of structural equation modeling techniques to longitudinal and hierarchical data

Afternoon session

  • Application of Mplus to advanced structural equation models: multiple group analysis, longitudinal data, mixture modeling

Workshop format  

The workshop will consist of lecture presentations and working in pairs conducting hands-on data analysis of specific case examples.


Dr. Piotr Wilk, Assistant Professor, Departments of Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Paediatrics at Western University, Scientist in the Division of Children’s Health and Therapeutics, Children’s Health Research Institute and Academic Co-Director of Statistic’s Canada’s Research Data Centre

Dr. Wilk’s research is focussed on individual, family and neighbourhood-level factors affecting health of children and youth. His current research includes studies on factors that affect health and wellness of Indigenous children living primarily in urban areas. Dr. Wilk has a wide range of experience facilitating professional development. He has developed and conducted workshops and courses in structural equation modeling and techniques for analysis of longitudinal and hierarchical data.

Workshop fees

  • $375 regular rate
    $250 student rate

Fee includes bound copy of course notes, training dataset and refreshment breaks. Please note: Participants will be responsible for their own lunches.

Note: Upon registration, please indicate if you are registering with a partner as course laptops will be shared depending on number of attendees.