BC Vital Events and Statistics Stillbirths data set

Data source: BC Ministry of Health

Date range

January 1, 1985 onward


Includes all stillbirths registered in the province of BC.


Fields available

For a list of fields available, please contact the Data Access Unit.

Data updates schedule

For BC, our Vital Events and Statistics data sets usually have a 3-month lag.

Approximate data update schedule Complete data up to:
January  September 30th
April  December 31st 
July March 31st 
October  June 30th 

Please note: Our data update schedule depends on when these data are made available to us by the data provider, so the update schedule is an estimation only. 

  • Abortion procedures, including those conducted in concert with other procedures, are unavailable from all applicable files. This is in accordance with the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act article 22.1.


DARs/Projects snapshot

Total number of DARs/Projects currently with PopData:443



Last revised December 3rd, 2024

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