Tools & resources

There are a range of tools and resources available to Researchers for use at different stages of the data access process. 


Apptracker is PopData’s online project management system, a resource for keeping track of research projects coordinated by PopData. If you have a project with us, AppTracker is where you will have real time access to detailed project status information such as:

  • Current project status
  • Submission and approval statuses of applications, amendments and other requests
  • Data releases (including the data files and time periods)
  • Data retention expiry dates by Data Steward
  • Ethics expiry dates
  • SRE expiry date
  • Study population(s) description
  • Research objectives
  • Complete list of project team members, including roles and data access status
  • List of all the Data Stewards involved in the project
  • Financial information such as invoice records

How to access AppTracker

Access to AppTracker is through the Projects tab on the my.popdata website. Please note you will need a PopData account to log in.

AppTracker access is automatically provided for the project’s applicant, coordinator, and team members with SRE access. Access can be provided for any of the team members on the project.

Please have the project coordinator contact the Data Access Unit if you wish to receive access for the projects you are currently involved with.

For more information about AppTracker, please contact the Data Access Unit at:


DARonline is our web-based data application request (DAR) system. It features user-friendly navigation, the ability for researchers and Data Stewards to generate project-specific documentation, and the ability for multiple individuals to review and edit the same DAR.

How to access DARonline

Access to the DAR is through under the ‘Researcher Tools’ tab. You will need a my.popdata account to log in.

If you don’t have an account, please visit:

Document Central

The Document Central webpage provides quick access to many of the documents and online forms required throughout the data access and delivery process and other useful resources for researchers.

Metadata Central

Approved users (listed below) may access file and field level summaries for BC Cancer, the Human Early Learning Partnership EDI, the BC Ministry of Health and BC Vital Statistics Agency via Metadata Central.

  • Researchers or project team members at any stage of the data application (DAR) process (feasibility, initial, proposed, applied or approved)
  • Anyone affiliated with a research or public institution, including health authorities, (e.g. BC Centre for Disease Control) and Public Service Agencies (e.g. BC Coroners Service)
  • Data Stewards and/or designated affiliates
  • Students enrolled in one of our Education and Training Unit courses

How to access Metadata Central

Access to Metadata Central is through the my.popdata website. You will need a my.popdata account to log in.

To request access to Metadata Central, please contact the Data Access Unit at

PLEASE NOTE: Access to Metadata Central is NOT AVAILABLE to users outside of Canada.


PopData Snippets is a place where Researchers and data analysts are able to share various bits or snippets of code they have written.

These bits of code help researchers read data into various statistical programs, help sort data, and assist with various other commonly performed tasks.

Researchers may submit new snippets or use existing snippets both inside and outside the Secure Research Environment.

Features include:

  • User-friendly navigation for finding snippets by tags, text in the title, and code language.
  • The ability to ask questions or add advice on a piece of code by submitting a comment.
  • Simple instructions on how to submit a snippet.

Please note that all submissions and comments are moderated by PopData. However, we do not check the submissions for usefulness, validity, or correctness. This is a resource for Researchers, by Researchers.

How to access Snippets

Access to Snippets is through the Projects tab on the my.popdata website and you will need a my.popdata account to log in.

For more information about Snippets, please contact the Data Access Unit at


COVID-19 Research

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Case Definition and Related Coding
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Research Resources

Interested in past workshops and webinars?

Visit our Events archive for past presentations, workshops and webinars including: 

DARs/Projects snapshot


We are currently managing 452 DARs/projects

  • In preparation: 16
  • Under review: 36
  • Post approval/data prep: 23
  • Being maintained: 348 + 29 CaraSpace projects

Tools and resources


We provide a range of tools and resources to help Researchers during the data access process. 

We also offer professional courses and online workshops for analytic skills development.

> more info

Need pan-Canadian data?


HDRN Canada's Data Access Support Hub (DASH) is a one-stop service portal, streamlining data access and harmonizing processes for researchers requiring multi-jurisdictional data in Canada. 

> more info