WorkSafeBC Injury, Claims and Firm Level data sets

Data source: WorkSafeBC

Date range

January 1, 1981* onward (unless otherwise noted)

* historical data is available for selected fields (some data dates as far back as 1916). Please contact the Data Access Unit for more information.



Information on reports of injury to WorkSafeBC, and injuries accepted for compensation, including disability time periods, injury information and compensation amounts.


  • Includes information on work-related injuries reported to WSBC.
Data changes over time
  • Two of the data files in the WSBC Injury data have not been updated since 1996: the Medical Aid File and the Pension File. Information in the Medical Aid file is now captured in the MSP Payment information data under the ‘claim type' codes of MW and PW. Information in the Pensions file can now be found in the WSBC Claim Cost Summary file.
Quality/accuracy of information/field coding source
  • Population Data BC receives a complete refresh of the WSBC Injury data from January 1, 1981 forward each year, thus the data we receive will include any retroactive changes made to the data since our last refresh.
Important additional information
  • Project-specific ‘claim numbers' are provided to researchers unless otherwise authorized. This allows the grouping of the records within a single claim.
  • There tends to be a noticeable drop off in the number of accident/injury dates as you approach the cut-off date for the most recent data refresh from WSBC provided to Population Data BC. This occurs because injured workers do not immediately file a claim. There is usually a lag of several months from the time someone is injured to when they file a claim.

Files available

Claim file

Claim is a request for compensation under the Workers' Compensation Act. A compensation request is on behalf of a worker (known as the injured worker or the claimant) who may have been injured in a work-related accident, or suffers from an occupational disease, which may be a result of job-related factors. An adjudication process determines if a claim is valid and, if so, to what compensation benefits the injured worker is entitled. A claim is also known as a Compensation Claim and Work Related Claim. Claims include reports of accident or disease that may subsequently become a request for compensation at a future date.

Years available - 1981 onward (selected fields available 1962 or earlier)

Field Name


Claim Number

A number that uniquely identifies a claim.
Replaced by project-specific identification number (unless otherwise authorised).

Consolidated Claim Number

The claim number of the claim that is considered the main claim (the claim number into which other claims have been consolidated). This number is the same as the claim number if the claim has not been consolidated.
Replaced by project-specific identification number (unless otherwise authorised).

Consolidation Indicator

The indicator that shows whether or not a claim is part of a group of claims that have been consolidated (first included in 1984).

Injured Worker ID**

ID number assigned to each new injured worker. Replaced by project-specific identification number

Claim Registration Date

The date claim was entered, or the earliest date a claim was entered for a group of consolidated claims. Also known as initial registration date.

Claim Injury Date

The date on which a worker was injured in an accident or an exposure.

First STD Payment Date

The date on which the first short term disability (STD) payment was made for the claim.

First LTD Payment Date

The first date on which a long term disability (LTD) reserve was set up for the claim, or the date on which the first lump sum LTD payment was made for the claim, whichever is earlier.

First FATAL Payment Date

The date on which a fatal reserve was set up for the claim, or the date on which the first lump sum fatal payment was made for the claim, whichever is earlier.

First Final STD Payment Date

The date on which the first "final" short-term disability (STD) payment was made for the claim. Available to May 2009 only.

First HC Payment Date

The date on which the first health care  (HC) payment was made for the claim.

First Vocational Rehabilitation  Payment Date

The date on which the first vocational rehab (VR)  was made for the claim.

First STD/LTD/FTL Payment Date

The earliest date of the claim's First STD Payment, First LTD Payment and First FATAL Payment dates.

FTL Claim Indicator

Indicates the claim has had a Fatal reserve established or Fatal payment made (can be counted as Fatal claim)

LTD Claim Indicator

Indicates the claim has had an LTD reserve established or  lump sum LTD payment made (can be counted as LTD claim).

STD Claim Indicator

Indicates the claim has had an STD payment made (can be counted as STD claim).

HCO Claim Indicator

Indicates the claim has had an HC payment made (can be counted as HC claim).

VR Claim Indicator

Indicates the claim has had a VR payment made (can be counted as VR claim)

Claim Eligibility Status

Code that identifies the status of a claim's qualification for workers compensation benefits.

Claim Active Status

Code that identifies the current activity status of the claim.

STD/LTD/FTL Claim Indicator

Indicates the claim can be counted as an STD, LTD or Fatal Claim.

Cost Total Amount

The sum of all claim costs charged to date on the claim. Claim cost includes health care costs, vocational rehabilitation costs, short term disability costs, long term disability reserves and/or lump sum payments, and fatal reserves and/or lump sum payments. Administration costs are not included.

Reporting Employer ID

Replaced by project-specific identification number (unless otherwise authorised). Available 1984 onward.

Reporting Classification Unit Number

Available 1984 onward.

Original Reporting Classification Unit Number

The Classification Unit Number (sector CU code) for the Classification Unit with which the Reporting Employer was originally classified (where a reclassification took place) (first included in 1984).

Reporting Employer Operating Location

The identifier (employer operating location code) of the Employer Operating Location of the Reporting Employer which indicates where (the location out of which) an injured worker was working at the time of accident or exposure (first included in 1984).

Employer Classification Instance Code

A code that indicates whether the employer ID belongs to a real employer or is a dummy employer or generated ID.

Employer ID

The employer number to which a claim count is assigned. When claim costs are split between multiple employers and/or CU numbers and/or employer cost center codes the claim must be counted for only one employer/ CU number /employer cost center code combination to prevent double-counting the claim.
Replaced by project-specific identification number.

Classification Unit

The classification unit number (sector CU code) associated with a Classification Unit (CU) to which a claim count is assigned. When claim costs are split between multiple employers and/or CUs and/or employer cost center codes.

ICD9 Code

The code that uniquely identifies the "International Classification of Diseases 9th (ICD9) Revision Clinical Modification" Medical Diagnosis Type (first included in 1981).

Source of Injury Type ID

A surrogate key that represents a unique combination of a source of injury code, standard and mapped source of injury code [a code lookup table is provided to researchers with this ID]  (first included in 1971).

Nature of Injury Type ID

A surrogate key that identifies a unique combination of injury code and mapped nature of injury mapping code  [a code lookup table is provided to researchers with this ID]  (first included in 1971).

Body Part Type ID

A surrogate key that identifies a unique combination of body part code and a mapped body part code  [a code lookup table is provided to researchers with this ID]  (first included in 1971).

Accident Type ID

A surrogate key that identifies a unique combination of accident type code and a mapped accident type code  [a code lookup table is provided to researchers with this ID] (first included in 1971).

Occupation Type ID

A surrogate key that identifies a unique combination of Statistics Canada, WCB Occupation Code, and mapped occupation code  [a code lookup table is provided to researchers with this ID] (first included in 1971).

Serious Injury Indicator

Indicates the claim has been classified as a "Serious Injury" claim.

Serious Injury Baseline Indicator

Indicator used to establish inclusion in denominator for the evaluation of serious injury rates.

Serious Injury Wage Loss in 28 Days Indicator

Indicates if the claim has a wage loss of 28 days or more within the month of injury or the following 3 months.

Serious Injury Health Care Cost Indicator

Indicates if the claim has high health care costs within the month of injury or the following 3 months.

Serious Injury Fatal Indicator

Indicates if the claim has a fatal payment within the month of injury or the following 3 months.

Serious Injury ICD9 Indicator

Indicates if the claim has been coded with one of ~275 ICD9 codes that indicate serious injury.

Serious Injury First LTD Payment Within Period Indicator

Indicates if the claim has an LTD payment within the month of injury or the following 3 months.

Serious Injury First STD Payment Within Period Indicator

Indicates if the claim has an STD payment within the month of injury or the following 3 months.

** Data field which could potentially identify an individual, and which therefore is only released to researchers having a clear need for the data in order to accomplish their research project.

Claim Cost Summary file
Claim Cost Summary is the sum of the claim costs by claim number, year, month, charge-to-employer, charge-to-classification unit, charge-to employer cost centre code and benefit type code. Years available - 1981 onward (selected fields available 1962 or earlier)

Field Name


Claim Number

A number that uniquely identifies a claim.
Replaced by project-specific identification number.

Injured Worker ID

ID number assigned to each new injured worker.
Replaced by project-specific identification number.

Summary Year

The year in which the claim costs were charged.

Summary Month

The month in which the claim costs were charged.

Summary Charge-to Employer ID

The current employer identifier that the claim cost will be charged to. The employer number may be a ‘real' employer or a "dummy" employer number.
Replaced by project-specific identification number.

Summary Charge-to Classification Unit (CU)

The classification unit number (sector CU code) associated with the Classification Unit to which the claim costs will be charged. The Classification Unit could be a "normal" CU (formerly known as "real") or a "cost allocation" CU (formerly known as "dummy").

Employer Classification Instance Code

A code that indicates whether the employer ID belongs to a real employer or is a dummy employer or generated ID

Summary Amount

The total cost of the claim for a specific benefit type for a specific year and month. Claim costs are year-to-date costs, not the total cost of the claim.

Summary STD and income continuity days paid

The number of short-term disability (STD) days that have occurred as of the data extract date (DW period end date) for the claim.

Benefit ID

The code that uniquely identifies the type of benefit for which a payment has been made.

Injured Worker file

Injured Worker is a person for whom the WCB has a report of an accident or injury.

Years available - 1981 onward (selected fields available 1962 or earlier)

Field Name


Injured Worker ID

ID number assigned to each new injured worker.
Replaced by project-specific identification number

Year of Birth

Year for Injured Worker's date of birth.

Month of Birth

Month for Injured Worker's  date of birth

Day of Birth**

Day for Injured Workers' date of birth.
Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release.

Year of death

Year for Injured Worker's date of death.

Month of death

Month for Injured Worker's date of death.

Day of death**

Day for Injured Workers' date of death.
Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release.


Injured Worker's gender.

Postal Code**

First 3 characters of the postal code OR 6-digit postal code - Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release.

** Data field which could potentially identify an individual, and which therefore is only released to researchers having a clear need for the data in order to accomplish their research project.

Employer file

Employer is a person or legal entity such as a company, proprietorship, partnership, government body, crown corporation, or independent operator where employees or the proprietor are covered for compensation purposes. They are registered and assessed by the WCB or may only be inspected by Prevention officers. Included are non-profit organizations and associations that sub-contract work. The employer may also be one that is registered under the personal optional protection plan

Years available - 1966 onward

Field Name


Employer ID

The number that uniquely identifies an employer (aka Firm Number, Employer Number, Registration Number)
Replaced by project-specific identification number

Employee Active Indicator

 Indicates whether or not the employer is currently active.

Employer Activity Start Date

The most recent date on which an employers WCB coverage was started or revived.

Employer Activity End Date

The cancellation date of an employer's most recent period of WCB coverage.

Employer Classification file

Employer Classification is a description of an employer doing business in a given assessment classification (classification unit). Years available - 1966 onward

Field Name


Employer ID

The number that uniquely identifies an employer (aka Firm Number, Employer Number, Registration Number)
Replaced by project-specific identification number

Classification Unit Number

The Classification Unit Number (sector CU code) associated with the Classification Unit of the employer.

Employer Classification Active Indicator

Indicates whether employer is currently operating in this classification unit

Employer Classification Activity Start Date

The most recent date (or approx.) on which an employer started work in this classification unit.

Employer Classification Activity End Date

The most recent date (or approx.) on which an employer stopped work in this classification unit.

Employer Operating Location file

Employer Operating Location is a place where an employer is engaged in work in a classification unit (or units). It does not include temporary job sites that are expected to be operational for less than a year. Sometimes an employer operating location may also be an employer's mailing address or an employer's accountant's address. Years available - 1966 onward

Field Name


Employer ID

The number that uniquely identifies an employer (aka Firm Number, Employer Number, Registration Number)
Replaced by project-specific identification number

Employer Operating Location Code

Code which uniquely identifies individual locations at which the employer carries out business. This code is unique within an employer.

Employer Operating Location Active Indictor

Indicates whether an employer is currently working in an industry at this operating location.

Employer Operating Location Activity Start Date

The most recent date (or approx.) on which an employer started work at this operating location.

Employer Operating Location Activity End Date

The most recent date (or approx.) on which an employer stopped work in this classification unit.

Employer Operating Location Province Code

Name of the province or state for this postal or geographic code.

Postal Code**

First 3 characters of the postal code OR 6-digit postal code - Research rationale describing why this field is required must be supplied before it will be considered for release.

** Data field which could potentially identify an individual, and which therefore is only released to researchers having a clear need for the data in order to accomplish their research project.

Employer Operating Location Classification file

Employer Operating Location Classification is the classification unit (CU) of an employer at a specific operating location. Years available - 1966 onward

Field Name


Employer ID

The number that uniquely identifies an employer (aka Firm Number, Employer Number, Registration Number)
Replaced by project-specific identification number

Employer Operating Location Code

Code which uniquely identifies individual locations at which the employer carries out business. This code is unique within an employer.

Classification Unit Number

The Classification Unit Number (sector CU code) associated with the Classification Unit of the employer for that operating location

Original Classification Unit Number

The Classification Unit Number (sector CU code) for the Classification Unit with which the employer at that operating location was originally classified (where a reclassification took place).

Employer Operating Location Class Activity Start Date

The most recent date (or approx.) on which an employer started work in this classification unit at this operating location.

Employer Operating Location Class Activity End Date

The most recent date (or approx.) on which an employer stopped work in this classification unit at this operating location.

Employer Operating Location Class Active Indicator

Indicates whether employer is currently working in this classification unit at this operating location.

Noise Exposure file

Years available - 1970 to 2004

Field Name


CU Number

The Classification Unit Number (sector CU code) associated with the Classification Unit of the employer.

Employer ID

The number that uniquely identifies an employer (aka Firm Number, Employer Number, Registration Number)
Replaced by project-specific identification number

Employer Operating Location Code

Code which uniquely identifies individual locations at which the employer carries out business. This code is unique within an employer.

Sub Unit

(included 1970-2001 only)

Date Noise Sample Taken


Noise Measurement (Leq?DBA)


Noise Measurement Location


Occupation of Sampled Employee


Instrument Type


No longer supported but available on request

Long Term Disability/Pensions file

Available for 1987/88 to 1996/97 only.  Please contact the Data Access Unit for more information.

Field Name


Claim Number

A number that uniquely identifies a claim. [Replaced by project-specific identification number.]

Service Date


Fee Item

If payee is a doctor or dentist, this field contains a four-digit MSP fee item code. If the payee is a hopsital, this field contains the number of days in hospital.

Payee Number

[Replaced by project-specific identification number.]

Amount Paid


Payment Date


** Data field which could potentially identify an individual, and which therefore is only released to researchers having a clear need for the data in order to accomplish their research project.

Medical Aid file

Available for 1987/88 to 1996/97 only.  Please contact the Data Access Unit for more information.

Field Name


Claim Number

A number that uniquely identifies a claim. [Replaced by project-specific identification number.]

Service Date


Fee Item

If payee is a doctor or dentist, this field contains a four-digit MSP fee item code. If the payee is a hopsital, this field contains the number of days in hospital.

Payee Number

[Replaced by project-specific identification number.]

Amount Paid


Payment Date


** Data field which could potentially identify an individual, and which therefore is only released to researchers having a clear need for the data in order to accomplish their research project.


DARs/Projects snapshot


We are currently managing 452 DARs/projects

  • In preparation: 16
  • Under review: 36
  • Post approval/data prep: 23
  • Being maintained: 348 + 29 CaraSpace projects

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