The Research Data Access Framework (RDAF)

Requirements for data access for some data providers are governed by The Research Data Access Framework (RDAF), a consensus-based document developed and approved by Population Data BC (PopData) and some Data Stewards with data currently held at PopData. The RDAF outlines the criteria which a request for data must meet in order for it to be considered eligible. The document is subject to change as PopData expands its data holdings and new Data Stewards become involved.  > download pdf of RDAF

The Research Data Access Framework

PopData holds population-wide, individual-level data to develop linkages among these data, and to support access to these data for approved research purposes.

PopData is authorized to receive, store, manage, manipulate and further disclose data through Information Sharing Agreements with the Public Bodies that provide the data, as outlined in PopData’s Privacy Impact Assessment. PopData serves as a facilitating and coordinating third party for the creation of this resource for the research community.

The principles that inform the RDAF are:

  • Interest in supporting research and expanding the data sources available for research purposes.
  • Access to and use of data must conform with legislative and policy requirements of the Public Bodies responsible for the data.
  • All parties recognise their own and each other’s obligations and responsibilities.
  • Access to and use of data must also conform to provisions of Information Sharing Agreements and Research Agreements.
  • Clarity and transparency of the data access review process and procedures will benefit all those involved.
  • The principle of proportionality as referred to in the Tri-Council Policy Statement1 informs review of applications; in general, the level and extent of review should be proportionate to the sensitivity of data requested.
  • The framework will seek to be comprehensive and iterative in terms of requirements and restrictions for Data Access Requests.
  • Any processes and procedures should be reasonable from the perspective of time and cost both for implementation and ongoing operations.
  • The Research Data Access Framework will be treated as a “living document” and will benefit from the experiences of all Data Stewards, which will be incorporated as part of periodic reviews and revisions by the Data Stewards Working Group (at minimum on a bi-annual basis) and where new legislative or government policy requirements necessitate revisions.

> more on the history of the legislative framework

1 “Proportionality is the key to ensuring that those who volunteer to participate in research are not exposed to unnecessary risks, while at the same time avoiding the creation of unnecessary barriers or delays to research.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans. 1998 (with 2000, 2002 and 2005 amendments).



BC MoH Announcement

BC Ministry of Health logoPopData is sharing this announcement on behalf of the BC Ministry of Health

The BC Ministry of Health is announcing that data access for health research is transitioning to a new environment and safe setting leveraging Health Data Platform BC (HDPBC).

What is changing?

In April 2024, Health Data Platform BC (HDPBC) started accepting qualified new data access requests for academic projects requiring health data. The Platform’s Trusted Analysis Environment (TAE-BC) enables research in a secure cloud-based environment, with data availability spanning multiple health organizations as well as enabling a streamlined approval process path.

Starting in 2026, TAE-BC will be the target secure research environment for new and active/ongoing research projects requiring and using health data. As part of this plan, there is work underway to migrate all active and ongoing projects from PopData's Secure Research Environment (SRE) to the HDPBC's Trusted Analysis Environment (TAE-BC). 

Between now and 2026, qualified new projects will continue to be approved via Health Data Platform BC with any non-qualifying projects approved to be in PopData SRE and be transitioned to TAE-BC as part of the migration.

Tools and resources


We provide a range of tools and resources to help Researchers during the data access process. 

We also offer professional courses and online workshops for analytic skills development.

> more info

Need pan-Canadian data?


HDRN Canada's Data Access Support Hub (DASH) is a one-stop service portal, streamlining data access and harmonizing processes for researchers requiring multi-jurisdictional data in Canada. 

> more info