Project Closure: Research Material Publication/Public Disclosure Form

As part of our desire to remain transparent and communicate the value of the research facilitated though linked administrative data, Population Data BC (PopData) publishes basic project information on its website.

This information may include: Applicant and PI name, project number and title, institution of affiliation, funding agency, research objectives, approved data sets and Research Materials resulting from the project.

Upon closure of a project, we ask for details of all the Research Materials that have resulted from the project. Possible Research Materials include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Conference abstracts
  • Presentation of Research Material (e.g. posters, seminars, lectures etc.)
  • Articles for general public (e.g. newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis etc.)
  • Op-eds for general public (e.g. newspapers, magazines, blogs, wikis etc.) 
  • Academic journal articles/papers (published, in process or submitted for publication)
  • Academic thesis or dissertation
  • Interviews (e.g. radio, television, internet etc.)
  • Instructional use (e.g. lectures, lab exercises etc.)
  • Books (whole or section)

If you publish an academic paper/journal article after your project has closed, we would greatly appreciate you letting us know.


We can confirm that Data Stewards will not be penalising Researchers for past publication of Research Materials which were not submitted for appropriate reviews by the public bodies prior to publication/public disclosure.



Research Materials:
Did this project generate any Research Materials that were published or publicly disclosed?
Posters, seminars, lectures etc.
Newspaper, magazine, blog etc.
Examples in lectures and/or lab exercises etc.