Frequently asked questions about privacy

What kind of data do you hold?

Population Data BC holds secondary data primarily for research purposes. Data comes from sources such as the BC Ministry of Health, the BC Ministry of Education and WorkSafeBC. Additional data sources are continually being added. In order to facilitate the greatest flexibility in terms of linkage and research questions, this data is typically at the most granular level possible, which is often individual-level.

Privacy Impact Assessment

Population Data BC (PopData) is committed to upholding the security and privacy of the data we hold. We regularly evaluate our information security practices in an effort to address concerns and ensure privacy and security of the information we hold. It is important to note that the data providers maintain control of their data and Population Data BC makes no decisions as to whom can access these data under section 35 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, or as a service provider pursuant to the relevant service agreements.

Legislative framework

Defining personal information

Population Data BC (PopData) has developed and implemented policies and procedures reflecting the B.C. legislative requirements concerning collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information.

Schedule 1 of British Columbia's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) defines "Personal Information" as "recorded information about an identifiable individual", including:

Policies and procedures overview

Population Data BC (PopData) is a pan-provincial, multi-institutional platform whose mission is to foster insights into human health, well-being, and development, by advancing research through data and education.

PopData is physically located at University of British Columbia (UBC). The UBC site holds individual-level Personal Information from provincial ministries and other public bodies. PopData does not have its own research agenda.

Join our team

Population Data BC (PopData) is a multi-university, data and education resource facilitating interdisciplinary research on the determinants of human health, well-being and development.

We are a nationally and internationally recognised leader in the field, having provided researchers with data access, data linkage and analytic training services for 20 years.

Our dedicated team of employees is committed to our mission to foster insights into population health by advancing research through data and education.

We offer:

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