Linking Education and Hospital Data in England

2:30pm to 3:30pm GMT (6:30am to 7:30am PST) | All sessions will be delivered live and online via the Gotowebinar system.

This webinar is part of the Power of Population Data Science Series

The educational and health records for nearly all (>95%) school children in England have for the first time, been successfully linked to create an anonymised, securely held database for research. This ECHILD (Education and Child Health Insights from Linked Data) database will enable a significant improvement in the scale and depth of research into the relationships between health, education and social care across the lives of millions of children. However, researchers will need to be aware that linkage rates were not equal for groups of children from different backgrounds.

This presentation will discuss the findings of the linkage evaluation between health and educational records of around 2 million pupils in England and share preliminary results from ongoing studies using the ECHILD data.

View presentation below.

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Nicolás LibuyDr. Nicolás Libuy is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Longitudinal Studies UCL working on a broad range of topics focusing on public health, education, labour and socio-economic conditions. His research uses administrative data and longitudinal studies to explore causal associations over the life course.

Louise Mc Grath-LoneDr. Louise Mc Grath-Lone is a Senior Research Fellow in Public Health Data Science at UCL Institute of Health Informatics. Louise’s research focuses on exploring health and education outcomes for vulnerable groups, in particular children in contact with social care services. She has expertise in the use of administrative social care data, including in developing the infrastructure of the ECHILD Database, a linked education-health-social care administrative dataset.