The PopData/HDPBC Data Access Request (DAR) process

Process overview 

Click on the stage numbers below for details on what happens during each phase of the process.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

Stage 7




We are here to help!

The Data Access Unit (DAU) at Population Data BC (PopData) provides a number of services for Researchers in support of their Data Access Requests (DARs), these include:

  • Providing information and coordination support to help Researchers in preparing DARs, such as guidance on data sets, years, fields, and development of the cohort definition, if required.
  • Advising Researchers on whether their application will go through the HDPBC or the PopData stream.
  • Confirming research team composition and ensuring that all have completed confidentiality undertakings.
  • Undertaking preliminary review of DARs to ensure that applications include all required documentation and information (e.g., ethics review is current and relevant to the project requesting data, investigators are consistently identified, etc.).
  • Sending DARs to the relevant Data Steward(s) for full review and approval.
  • Facilitating communications and additional requirements as necessary and appropriate and to enable timely responses.


DARs/Projects snapshot


We are currently managing 452 DARs/projects

  • In preparation: 16
  • Under review: 36
  • Post approval/data prep: 23
  • Being maintained: 348 + 29 CaraSpace projects

Tools and resources


We provide a range of tools and resources to help Researchers during the data access process. 

We also offer professional courses and online workshops for analytic skills development.

> more info

Need pan-Canadian data?


HDRN Canada's Data Access Support Hub (DASH) is a one-stop service portal, streamlining data access and harmonizing processes for researchers requiring multi-jurisdictional data in Canada. 

> more info