Waivers may be granted to students to cover the base project fee per student, per degree.
Only student projects that are used to fulfill program of study requirements can be deemed eligible for the student waiver. This means postdoctoral fellows and research associates are not eligible for the student waiver.
For more complicated projects involving external data sources, any PopData fees for external coordination, linkage, and/or data preparation are not eligible to be waived. For instance, for a student project involving Cardiac Services BC (CSBC) data, the waiver would not cover the PopData fees associated with CSBC coordination, linkage to CSBC data, or crosswalk file preparation.
Amendments to student projects are not covered by the student waiver. Students are urged to plan their DAR appropriately to include all necessary requests up front.
Students will be responsible for any charges in excess of the waiver ceiling, with no exceptions. Confirmation of funding will be requested at the time of DAR submission if the request is anticipated to exceed the ceiling amount.
Students who received a cost waiver may be asked to assist with PopData initiatives as necessary from time to time. This may include review of documents, testing of new systems, and providing feedback on processes.
Note: A student waiver is only available for students with their own Data Access Request. It is not available for students who access data from a supervisor's existing project.